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      您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 研究隊伍 > 正高級工程師

    姓名 馮連君 性別:
    職稱(chēng) 正高級工程師 學(xué)歷 博士
    電話(huà) 010-82998596 傳真: 010-62010846
    Email: ljfeng[a]mail.iggcas.ac.cn 郵編: 100029
    地址 北京朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號,中科院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所

    教育經(jīng)歷?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?


    工作經(jīng)歷?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????

      (2)?2007年10月-2007年12月,在加州大學(xué)河邊分校地質(zhì)系Timothy Lyons教授古海洋化學(xué)分析實(shí)驗室訪(fǎng)問(wèn);
      (3) 2011年1月-今。中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所穩定同位素分析實(shí)驗室,高級工程師;
      (4) 2011年1月-今。中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所穩定同位素分析實(shí)驗室,正高級工程師。

    1. 穩定同位素分析測試技術(shù);?
    2. 古海洋化學(xué)重建:側重于應用多元地球化學(xué)指數對古海洋化學(xué)進(jìn)行重建;??
    3. 地質(zhì)生物學(xué)
    社會(huì )任職:


    1. 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年基金項目:早寒武世古海洋的氧化還原環(huán)境變化(2007-2009);?
    2. 中國科學(xué)院儀器設備功能開(kāi)發(fā)技術(shù)創(chuàng )新項目:改進(jìn)GasBench II碳酸鹽反應裝置以實(shí)現對含超微量碳酸鹽(10ug)樣品的碳、氧同位素分析(2011-2012);?
    3. 國家重點(diǎn)基礎研究發(fā)展計劃(973計劃)項目,二氧化碳減排、儲存和資源化利用的基礎研究,專(zhuān)題:CO2在地質(zhì)埋存體中的地球化學(xué)監測(2011-2015);
    1. Lianjun Feng, Chao Li, Jing Huang, Huajin Chang, Xuelei Chu: A sulfate control on marine mid-depth euxinia on the early Cambrian (ca. 529-521 Ma) Yangtze platform, South China. Precambrian Research, 2014; 246: 123-133?
    2. Lianjun Feng, Xuelei Chu, Jing Huang, Qirui Zhang, Huajin Chang: Reconstruction of paleo-redox conditions and early sulfur cycling during deposition of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation in South China. Gondwana Research, 2010;18: 632-637?
    3. Lianjun Feng, Xuelei Chu, Qirui Zhang, Tonggang Zhang, He Li, Neng Jiang: New evidence of deposition under cold climate for the Xieshuihe Formation of the Nanhua System in northwestern Hunan, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 01/2004; 49(13):1420-1427.?
    4. Chao Li, Noah J. Planavsky b, Gordon D. Love c, Christopher T. Reinhard d, Dalton Hardisty c, Lianjun Feng e, Steven M. Bates c, Jing Huang f, Qirui Zhang e, Xuelei Chu e, Timothy W. Lyons: Marine redox conditions in the middle Proterozoic ocean and isotopic constraints on authigenic carbonate formation: Insights from the Chuanlinggou Formation, Yanshan Basin, North China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 01/2015; 150:90-105.?
    5. Jing Huang, Lianjun Feng, Dingbiao Lu, Qirui Zhang, Tao Sun, Xuelei Chu: Multiple climate cooling prior to Sturtian glaciations: Evidence from chemical index of alteration of sediments in South China.. Scientific Reports 10/2014; 4:6868.?
    6. Haifeng Fan, Xiangkun Zhu, Hanjie Wen, Bin Yan, Jin Li, Lianjun Feng: Oxygenation of Ediacaran Ocean recorded by iron isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 09/2014; 140:80–94.?
    7. Qi-Rui Zhang, Xue-Lei Chu, Lian-Jun Feng: Chapter 32 Neoproterozoic glacial records in the Yangtze Region, China. The Geological Record of Neoproterozoic Glaciations, Edited by Arnaud, E, Halverson, G.P., Shields-Zhou, G, 01/2011: chapter 32: pages 357-366; Geological Society, London.?
    8. Hong-Wei Li, Lian-Jun Feng, Tie-Jun Li, Jian Chen, Wei Liu: Combination of sealed-tube decrepitation with continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry for carbon isotope analyses of CO2 from fluid inclusions in minerals. Analytical methods 01/2014; 6(13):4504.?
    9. Jing Huang, Xuelei Chu, Timothy W. Lyons, Tao Sun, Lianjun Feng, Qirui Zhang, Huajin Chang: The sulfur isotope signatures of Marinoan deglaciation captured in Neoproterozoic shallow-to-deep cap carbonate from South China. Precambrian Research 11/2013; 238:42–51.?
    10. Chao Li, Gordon D. Love, Timothy W. Lyons, Clinton T. Scott, Lianjun Feng, Jing Huang, Huajin Chang, Qirui Zhang, Xuelei Chu: Evidence for a redox stratified Cryogenian marine basin, Datangpo Formation, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 05/2012; s 331–332:246–256.?
    11. Hua-Jin Chang, Xue-Lei Chu, Lian-Jun Feng, Jing Huang: Progressive oxidation of anoxic and ferruginous deep-water during deposition of the terminal Ediacaran Laobao Formation in South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 03/2012; s 321–322:80–87.?
    12. 馮連君,儲雪蕾,張同鋼,黃晶, 2006. 蓮沱砂巖——南華大冰期前氣候轉冷的沉積記錄. 巖石學(xué)報, 22(9), 2387-2393?
    13. 馮連君, 儲雪蕾, 張啟銳, 張同鋼, 2003. 化學(xué)蝕變指數(CIA)及其在新元古代碎屑巖中的應用. 地學(xué)前緣, 10, 539-544.

    地址:北京市朝陽(yáng)區北土城西路19號 郵 編:100029 電話(huà):010-82998001 傳真:010-62010846
    版權所有© 2009 中國科學(xué)院地質(zhì)與地球物理研究所 備案序號:京ICP備05029136號
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